Proxymity wins at the 2019 BAI Awards

The ProxymitySM Platform and team won the award for “Internal Process Innovation” at the BAI Awards. The BAI (Bank Administration Institute) Awards are an annual awards that was set up to recognise forward thinking financial service organisations and industry disruptors.
ProxymitySM is a new digital proxy voting platform for corporate shareholders. The platform directly connects and authenticates equity issuers and investors and makes the voting process more efficient, accurate and transparent. Proxymity provides real-time transparency into the voting process, allowing instant amendment of instructions and much sought-after confirmation that votes have been recorded at the annual general meeting. Proxymity was born out of Citi’s internal D10X program by London based employees of Citi’s ICG Securities Services business with the underlying technology developed at the Citi Innovation Lab in Tel Aviv.
The BAI Global Innovation Awards showcases forward-thinking financial services organizations that accept the challenge to disrupt not only the industry, but also their own best efforts. Organizations that work every day to drive positive change that helps consumers, businesses and communities thrive. Organizations that are creating sustainable, scalable business models and realize growth and positive revenue outcomes in the process of delivering sophisticated, yet simple and transparent financial services to consumers.